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教室里的用品英语字母(请英语高手帮忙翻译 汉译英)

blackboard 黑板 (a piece of)a board rubbe黑板擦chalk 粉笔 slate pencil 石板笔 wall map 挂图...

大家好,今天我想和大家谈谈我对“订书机 用英语怎么说”的一些看法。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了分类,现在就让我们一起来探讨吧。

教室里的用品英语字母(请英语高手帮忙翻译 汉译英)


blackboard 黑板 (a piece of)a board rubbe黑板擦chalk 粉笔 slate pencil 石板笔 wall map 挂图

skeleton map 轮廓图,示意图 globe 地球仪 textbook 课本 dictionary 词典 encyclopedia


school bag(书包) / book (书) /pen (钢笔)/ pencil(铅笔) , Ball point pen 圆珠笔/ pencil-box (铅笔盒)/eraser(橡皮擦) /ruler(尺子)stationery

文具 book bag 书包 backpack = knapsack 背包 stapler 订书机 (staples 订书钉) clips

夹子; 回形针 glue 胶水 scotch tape 透明胶带 scissors 剪刀 brown paper牛皮纸

练习本exercise book 墨汁 ink 计算器 caculator 文具盒Pencil cases

pen knife (Pen Knives are real pens that contain a hidden knife.)

记号笔marker 蜡笔crayon

fans, rough paper,草稿纸 the dictionary. curtains, projector投影仪.



air conditioning 空调

bulb 电灯泡

dictaphone,dictating machine 录音机

dry cell 干电池

electric calculator 计算器

electric cooker 电饭锅

eletric fan 电风扇

electric foot warmer 暖脚器

electric heater 电暖气

electric iron 电熨斗

electric shaver 电动剃须刀

electric vacuum cleaner 吸尘器

electronic oven 电烤箱

flashlight,torch 手电筒

fluorescent lamp 日光灯

loud-speaker 扩音机

microphone 麦克风

microwave oven 微波炉

radio 收音机

refrigerator 冰箱

tap 电线搭接处

tape recorder 磁带

television 电视机

tube 真空管

alarm clock 闹钟

battery 电池

electric clock 电钟

electric razor 电剃刀

hair drier 吹风机


briefcase,portfolio 公事包

knapsack 背包

magnifying glass 放大镜

suitcase 手提箱

travelling bag 旅行包

pencil 铅笔

crayon 蜡笔

pen 钢笔

ruler 直尺

set square 三角板

bow compass,compasses,dividers 圆规

writing case 文具盒

bookmark,bookmarker 书签

reading lamp 台灯

paper 纸

ink 墨水

book 书

bag 书包

backpack 双肩包

sharpener 卷笔刀

ballpen 圆珠笔

pencil-box pencil-case 铅笔盒

correcting liquid 修正液

stapler 订书机


Adjustable bed 可调床

Air bed 气床

Anti-slip strip for stairs (儿童床)防滑楼梯打击扶手

Antique furniture 古式家具

Antique reproduction furniture 仿古家具

Armchair 扶手椅

Baby crib 婴儿床

Backless wall-unit 不设背板的壁橱

Bamboo furniture 竹家具

Banqueting chair 宴会椅

Barstool 吧椅

Bathroom accessories 浴室配套装置

Bathroom combination 浴室组合柜

Bathroom consoles 浴室多用架

Bathroom furniture 浴室家具

Bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台

Batten door 板条门

Bed base床架,床套

Bed base set 成套床架

Bedroom suite 卧室系列家具

Bedstead 床架

Bentwood furniture 曲木家具

Beside table 床头柜

Birch door 桦木门

Board-room and conference table 会议桌

Bookcase 书柜

Bookshelf 书架

Built-in kitchen 配套厨房家具

Bunk 双层床

Bunk bed 双层床

Cabin bed 儿童多功能床

Cabin furniture for ships 船用家具

Canopy bed 带天篷的床,四柱床

CD-video storage cabinet边 音响组合柜

Chair with castors 脚轮椅

Changing table 可调桌

Chest of drawers 多屉橱柜

Child cot 童床

Children’s bed 儿童床

Children’s bedroom suite 儿童卧房系列家具

Children’s chair 儿童椅

CKD(complete knock down) 整体拆装式家具

Clothes rail 挂衣杆

Cocktail cabinet 吧柜,酒柜

Cocktail table 鸡尾酒桌

Coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌

Combine-unit 组合柜

Composite furniture 复合家具

Console 小桌

Console table (装在墙上的)蜗形腿台桌

Contract furniture 订做家具,承建家具

Contract programmes 订做家具

Corner sofa suite 拐角扶杆

Cot 童床(婴儿床)

Couch 长沙发椅

Cupboard 橱柜

Cupboard wall unit for flat 套房衣柜

Curtain 窗帘,挂帘

Customized furniture 订做家具

Decorative lighting 装饰灯具

Dining room furniture 餐厅家具

Dining room set 起居室配套家具

Dining table 餐桌

Divan 长沙发,沙发床

Dividing wall and fitted wall unit 隔墙板及系列

DIY furniture 自装式a家具

Double-bed 双人床

Double function sofa-bed 双人沙发床

Double sided mirror 双面镜

Draughtsman chair 吧椅

Drawer 抽屉

Dressing table 梳妆台

Easy chair 轻便椅

End table 茶几

Entrance hall furniture 门厅家具

Exterior door户外门

Filing cabinet 文件柜


Fitment 固定家具

Fitting 家居用品

Flap 翻门

Flower stand 花架

Flush door 平面门,全板门

Folding chair 折叠椅

Folding furniture 折叠家具

Folk furniture 民间家具

Foot-stool 踏脚凳

Framed mirror 带框镜子

French-type furniture 模式家具

French cabinet 法式桌椅弯脚

French door 玻璃门

Function sofa多功能沙发椅

Furniture for bedrooms 卧室家具

Furniture for public premises 公共场所家具

Game table 玩具桌

Gate-leg table折叠桌

Glass cabinet 玻璃陈设柜

Glass case玻璃陈设柜

Glass unit and container 玻璃容器制品

Glazed door 玻璃门

Hall furniture 厅房家具

Hat and coat stand 衣帽架

Headboard 床头

Heirloom quality furniture 祖传家具

High bed 儿童高脚床(不带屉柜)

High chair 高脚椅

Highback executive chair 高背办公椅

Home furniture 家庭家具,民用家具

Home office furniture 家庭办公家具

Hotel furniture 酒店家具

Household furniture 家庭家具


Institutional furniture 风俗家具,公用家具

Junior desk chair 学生书桌椅

Kitchen block /kitchen rock 厨房地砖

Kitchen cabinet 餐具柜

Kitchen chair, stool and bench 厨房椅、圆凳及条椅

Kitchen fitment 厨房固定家具

Kitchen table 厨房餐桌

Kitchen unit 厨房成套家具

Lamp table 灯桌

Lath grid 板条格

Ledged door 直板门

Link chair 写字板椅

Living room furniture 起居室家具

Locker 衣帽柜

Lounge furniture 客厅家具

Louvered door 百叶窗柜门

Lowback executive chair 低背办公椅

Lowback guest chair 低背来宾椅

Lowback visitor chair 低背接待椅

Managerial mediumback chair 中背经理椅

Margined flush door 镶边平板门

Mattress 床垫,席梦思

Mediumback executive chair 中背办公椅

Metal furniture金属家具

Mirror door 玻璃门

Mirror for chest of drawers 多屉柜梳妆镜

Multi-purpose sofa 多用沙发

Multi-purpose table 多用桌

Nest 茶几

Occasional furniture 配套家具,休闲家具

Occasional table 休闲桌

Office furniture 办公家具

Office seating 办公座椅

Office table 办公桌

Partition wall 隔断

Pembroke table 折面桌

Planters chair 园艺工用椅

Plastic furniture 塑料家具

Play furniture 娱乐家具

Presidential highback chair 高背办公椅

Pull-out table 伸缩餐具

Rattan furniture 藤家具

Recliner 躺椅

Refectory table长餐桌

Rocking chair 摇摆椅

Rotary chair 转椅

Rustic style furniture 乡村风格家具

rectangular table 长方桌

red-lacquered chest 红漆木箱

round bed 圆床

round stool 圆凳

round table 圆桌

round-backed armchair 圈椅

School table 课桌

screen 屏风

Seat 座椅

secretaire 写字桌(尤指有抽屉及分类格者)

Secretarial chair 秘书椅

sectional sofa 拼合沙发

semi-CKD 半拆装家具

separate wine cabinet 独立厨柜

serving table 送餐桌

settee; chaise longue 长靠椅

shelving combination 组合架

shoe rack 鞋架

side table 小桌

sideboard 餐具柜

simmous bed 席梦思床

single bed 单人床

slat stool 板条凳

sleeper sofa 可睡沙发

sofa 沙发

sofa bed 沙发床

sofa table 沙发桌

soft chair 软椅

spring bed; steel cot 钢丝床;弹簧床

spring-seat chair 弹簧座椅

square stool 方凳

square table 方桌

steel chair 扶手椅

steel desk 钢制写字台

steel safe 保险柜

step stool 梯凳

stool 凳子;搁脚凳

storage for umbrellas 伞架

straight back chair 直背椅

strong box; safe 保险箱

studio couch 单人沙发床

suitcase; trunk 衣箱;小型旅行箱

swivel armchair 帆布折叠躺椅

swivel-top stool 转动凳


4:00 four o'clock


4 o'clock

04:00 four in the morning

4 a.m

16:00 four in the afternoon

4 p.m

9:00 nine o'clock


9 o'clock

09:00 nine in the morning

9 a.m

21:00 nine in the evening

nine at night

9 p.m

12:00 twelve o'clock


12 o'clock

12:00 twelve in the morning,

12 a.m


00:00 twelve at night

12 p.m


12:15,00:15 a quarter past twelve

quarter past twelve

twelve fifteen

a quarter after twelve

02:25,14:25 twenty-five past two

twenty-five minutes past two

two twenty-five

twenty-five after two

11:30,23:30 half past eleven


half eleven

half after eleven

12:45,00:45 a quarter to one

quarter to one

twelve forty-five

07:50,19:50 ten to eight

ten minutes to eight

seven fifty


1.What time is it, Gordon?Just after five.


2.What's the time now?It's quarter past.


3.Can you tell me the time?It's twenty-five past twelve.


4.Have you got the time?It is nearly one o'clock.


5.What time does the boat leave from New York?At a quarter past three in the afternoon.


6.The time is six forty-five.


7.My watch says six thirty.


8.It's five to eight and breakfast's at eight o'clock.


9.The time was 10:35 hours Greenwich Mean Time.


10.I'll be back at quarter past one.


11.By eleven o'clock Brian was back in his office.


12.At two o'clock in the morning caslon was still awake.


13.You should be there no later than nine thirty.


14.Office hours are from 9 a.m to 6 p.m



pencil 铅笔

pen 钢笔

paper 纸

ink 墨水

book 书

desk 桌子

chair 椅子

eraser 橡皮

ruler 尺子

bag 书包

backpack 双肩包

sharpener 卷笔刀

ballpen 圆珠笔

crayon 蜡笔


pencil-box pencil-case 铅笔盒


correcting liquid 修正液

stapler 订书机

指甲剪 nail clippers 指甲锉 nail file 电动剃须刀 shaver(一般的剃须刀是razor,刀片是blade)挖耳勺 ear pick(西方人多用棉签,即swab)痒痒挠 back scratcher(西方没有专门用来挖耳朵或抓背的工具,把挖耳勺或痒痒挠作为小礼物送给西方人,他们一定觉得很有意思)。

人体秤 bathroom scale(西方的家用人体秤一般放在浴室,秤的通称是balance / scale,而菜市场的提秤是steelyard。) 燃气热水器 gas hot-water heater 澡盆bathtub洗脸盆 washbowl 肥皂盒 soap dish 洗衣粉 detergent 牙膏 toothpaste 衣架 hanger 衣夹 clothes peg(英)/ clothespin(美)电吹风 hair drier

空气清新剂room deodorant 喷雾杀虫剂 bug spray 卫生球 mothball

吸尘器 vacuum / cleaner / vacuum cleaner(第一台吸尘器的品牌名是Hoover,西方人常用它指“吸尘器”,该词也可用作动词,表示“用吸尘器打扫”。) 鸡毛掸子 feather duster 衣服刷子 whisk broom 鞋刷 shoe brush(鞋架是“shoe rack”;擦皮鞋是“shine the shoes”)抹布 rag / dust cloth苍蝇拍swat(英)/ flyswatter(美)(粘蝇纸是“flypaper”)簸箕 铅笔刀 pencil sharpener 涂改液 white-out / correction fluid(有一种涂改液品牌名为Liquid Paper,也可以指“涂改液”。)拍纸簿 pad 方格纸 graph paper 三角板 set square(英) / triangle(美)胶水 glue / paste 胶带 cellophane / Scotch tape(Scotch tape也是商标名称,也可以表示“胶带”。)双面胶 double-stick tape / double-faced tape 订书机 stapler(订书钉是“staples”)伸缩刀 retractable knife 别针 paper clip 图钉 thumbtack / drawing pin(英)书写垫板plastic sheet(铺在桌子上的垫子是“desk pad”)

请英语高手帮忙翻译 汉译英

童装 children's clothes

砧板 chopping block

DVD DVD 数字化视频光盘

调味品 flavouring / seasoning

方便面 instant noodle

保健品 health products

剃须刀 shaver

电熨斗 electric iron

电吹风 hair drier

电话机 telephone

牛奶杯 milk cup

马克杯 mug

密封盒 seal box

调味盒 spice box

电水壶 electric kettle

电磁炉 induction cooker / electromagnetic oven

淘米箩 rice-washing crate

吊带衫 sun-top

豆奶粉 soybean milk powder

茶饮料 tea beverage

奶制品 dairy product

清洁剂 detergent / cleaner

洗发露 shampoo

沐浴露 bath wash

护发素 hair conditioner

水 water

面包 bread

沙琪玛 caramel treats

酱油 soy sauce

挂面 fine dried noodles

粉丝 bean starch noodles / vermicelli

延长线 extension line

油画棒 oil pastels

密封罐 seal pot

自行车 bicycle

订书机 stapler / stitcher

电饭煲 electric rice cooker

香皂 soap

果汁 fruit juice

蛋糕 cake

饼干 biscuit / cookie

啤酒 beer

黄酒 millet wine/ Shaoxing wine

锅具 cookware

女袜 women's socks

茶具 tea set

塑料杯 plastic cup

男袜 men's socks

套瓷 chinaware

男装 men's clothes

女装 women's clothes

睡衣 pajamas

白板 white board

拖鞋 slippers

雨具 rain gear

罐头食品 canned food

成人奶粉 adult milk powder

进口食品 imported food

无糖食品 sugar-free food

膨化食品 puffed food

儿童饼干 biscuits for children

碳酸饮料 carbonated soft drink

洗衣用品 laundry products

杀虫用品 desinsection products

厨房用品 kitchen products

美发用品 hair care products

童车 baby stroller

童床 children's bed

电脑配件 computer accessories

干花 dried flower

家具 furniture

五金工具 hardware & tools

笔、橡皮 pen / rubber

汽配用品 auto parts

保鲜盒 crisper / preservation box

婴儿用品 infant utilities

女士内衣 women's underwear

女式短裤 women's pants

男士短裤 men's pants

运动水壶 sports bottle

男士内衣 men's underwear

纸品 paper products

复印纸 manifold paper

资料册 data book

运动鞋 sports shoes

筷子 chopsticks

榨汁机 juicer

文胸 bra

电池 battery

笔袋 pen's bag

果斗 fruit acorn

果盘 fruit plate

本子 notebook/ book

胶水 glue

茶叶 tea

咖啡 coffee

麦片 cornmeal / oatmeal

炒货 roasted seeds and nuts

蜜饯 fruit preserves

肉干 jerky

衣架 clothes rack

清洁用品 cleaning products

防滑垫 non-slip mat

拖把 mopper

塑料制品 plastic products

垃圾袋 disposable bag

皮包 leather handbag

背包 backpack

儿童读物 children's books

学习用品 school things


儿童玩具 toys for kids

智力玩具 intelligence toy

棋牌 chess and cards

拼图 jigsaw

电子琴 electronic organ

玩具车 toy car

被子 quilt

席子 matting / mat

枕头 pillow

男鞋 men's shoes

女鞋 women's shoes

箱包 trunk and bag


学习用品:pencil 铅笔 pen 钢笔 pencil-case铅笔盒 eraser橡皮 text book 课本 sharpener卷笔刀 dictionary 字典 magazine杂志 repeater复读机 atlas 地图集 ruler尺子 set square 三角板 protractor量角器 schoolbag书包 blackboard黑板 chalk粉笔 lamp台灯 desk课桌 chair椅子 bookshelf书架 calculator计算器 ink墨水 compass 圆规 stapler 订书机

食物:cabbaga卷心菜 pork猪肉 beef牛肉 pea 豌豆 chicken 鸡肉 onion洋葱 mushroom蘑菇 tomato番茄 potato土豆 eggplant茄子

水果:orange 橙子 cherry樱桃 apple苹果 banana香蕉 watermelon西瓜 pear 梨子 apricot杏子

peach桃子 pineapple 菠萝 strawberry草莓 pumelo 柚子 mango芒果 plum 李子

一时半会, 我只想到这些了, 希望能帮得上你。


cover n.

盖子, 封面, 藉口


覆盖, 铺, 掩饰, 保护, 掩护, 包括, 包含, 适用


覆盖, 涂, 代替

stapler n.


tin opener n.

开罐器, 罐头刀

bowl n.

碗, 碗状物, 木球


滚, (板球)投球

star n.

星, 恒星, 明星, 名角


外形, 形状, 形态, (尤指女子的)体形, 身段, 形式


制作, 定形, 使成形, 塑造, 使符合


成形, 形成, 成长


pencil 铅笔

pen 钢笔

paper 纸

ink 墨水

book 书

desk 桌子

chair 椅子

eraser 橡皮

ruler 尺子

bag 书包

backpack 双肩包

sharpener 卷笔刀

ballpen 圆珠笔

crayon 蜡笔


pencil-box pencil-case 铅笔盒


correcting liquid 修正液

stapler 订书机

教室里的用品英语字母(请英语高手帮忙翻译 汉译英)

好了,今天关于“订书机 用英语怎么说”的话题就到这里了。希望大家通过我的介绍对“订书机 用英语怎么说”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的学习中更好地运用所学知识。

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