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of which ,on which还有in which这三个有什么区别啊。我总搞错啊。(in which,on which与when怎么区别,都一样吗好像which还可以搭for,to很多介词吧?教

这三个介词,主要是根据先行词来决定的,先行词就是这个从句修饰的那个名词。比如:they found a hill on which to set a tent...

接下来,我将为大家解答有关on which 与in which 的区别的问题,希望我的回答对大家有所帮助。现在,我们就开始探讨一下on which 与in which 的区别的话题吧。

of which ,on which还有in which这三个有什么区别啊。我总搞错啊。(in which,on which与when怎么区别,都一样吗好像which还可以搭for,to很多介词吧?教我怎么用他们写句子)

of which ,on which还有in which这三个有什么区别啊。我总搞错啊。


比如:they found a hill on which to set a tent

hill是先行词 搭配的介词是on ,on the hill ,所以whilch 前用on

比如:they found a river in which they can wash their fruits.

river 是先行词,搭配的介词是in in the river .所以which 前用in

你要知道which前面用什么介词,只要知道和 介词+which 这个结构前相邻的那个名词是和什么介词搭配的就可以了。所以,关键问题在于找到这个相邻的先行词,然后知道它是和什么介词搭配。

at which,in which,on which,for which,by which,from which的用法

1、at which:在...,关系代词用作主语或宾语。

2、in which:在...里面,多用在书面语中。

3、on which:在...上面,由介词加上关系代词来引导。

4、for which:为了...,从句由介词加上关系代词来引导。

5、by which:用...,非限制性定语从句所修饰的是物。

6、from which:从...,非限制性定语从句所修饰的是整个主句。





3、引导非限制性定语从句时which可以用整个主句作为其前行词,相当于and that,有时还可引导不定式短语从句。


on which和in which有什么区别

on which 和in which都是属于定语从句中介词+which/whom的结构


介词与定语从句中的谓语动词构成短语 例如:The boy with whom I dance is handsome. 从这个例子中我们可以看出:dance 后的with提到了先行词的后面,whom的前面

介词与定语从句中的先行词构成介词短语 例如:Life is a long journey in which we must experience happy and sorrow.从这个例子中我们可以看出,in a long journey是一个介词短语

所以,on which和in which的区别,其实在于on 和 in 这两个介词的具体搭配和相关短语

in which,on which与when怎么区别,都一样吗好像which还可以搭for,to很多介词吧?教我怎么用他们写句子

1.prep.+which 这种结构可以引导非限制性定语从句,而when引导的主要是时间状语从句。

2.in、on、for +which 的区别主要在于介词(即prep.)

in which 顾名思义,表示在哪里在哪个方面

on which 则侧重在一种抽象的概念或者方面上怎样怎样

for which 表示因为由于上面的那种情况会有什么样的影响和结果

to which 对于上面讲的来说

(介词的使用可以看句子里固定的搭配情况。比如第一个例句中despite···in,第二个例句中是on the stage,第四个例句中a risk to ···找到句子的关系后就不会用错了。其实我是建议根据翻译修改英文建立一种预感关系,做题就更得心应手了。)


But there will also be problems, despite a golden period in which tax revenue grew faster than GDP.


Great and enduringly successful organisations are not stages on which geniuses can strut.


I might even find a better Out of Control book by Kevin Kelly than I could write myself, for which I would be thankful to spend a year hunting.


Few come as newsbut the most surprising is the degree to which even being a bit overweight is a risk.


in which,for which,on which,at which有什么区别,怎么使用,用法


in which可以翻译成在?里面 for which可以翻译成为了?目的

on which可以翻译成在?的上面,或具体时间的某一天 at which可以翻译成在?里面或在?上面



(1) The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous. = The school in which he once studied is very famous.

(2) Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine (that/which) you asked for. = Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked.

(3) I have a dresser in my bedroom, which there are many cosmetics on. = I have a dresser in my bedroom on which there are many cosmetics. (4)The dumpling House which he often has dumplings at is very popular. = The dumpling House is very popular, at which he often has dumplings.

当然这只是介词作为基本意思的用法,还有一些固定搭配,得具体情况具体分析。 例如:

The plane may be several hours late, in which case there’s no point in our waiting. (固定搭配:in the case)

The speaker paused to examine his notes, at which point a loud crash was heard. (固定搭配:at the point)

Ten years of hard work changed her greatly, for which reason he could hardly recognize her at first sight.(固定搭配:for the reason)

The film at which I fell asleep was very boring.

(Here "at which" is based on "fell asleep at the film"因为**无聊而睡觉。) The little creature in which scientists are interested is known as ET. (这里"be interested in"是词组原因)

This is the book for which he is looking.

(即等于This is the book which he is looking for,这主要是因为look for 这一短语)

of which ,on which还有in which这三个有什么区别啊。我总搞错啊。(in which,on which与when怎么区别,都一样吗好像which还可以搭for,to很多介词吧?教我怎么用他们写句子)

好了,今天关于“on which 与in which 的区别”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的介绍对“on which 与in which 的区别”有更全面的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。

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