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鱼灯是传统民间舞蹈的道具 ,用竹条绑成鱼形。它有着悠久的历史,历史歌谣中有记载:“正月来闹鱼灯,洪武兵马来浙东。先将胡大海,殿后督军常遇春。”。这说明明明初就有鱼灯表演。


Fish Lantern Parade in avillage, Shexian

With the frame made of thin bamboo strips, fish lantern is a kindof prop for traditional folk dance with a history of over 600 years.According to ballads, fish lantern performances appeared as early as the Ming Dynasty.

无为鱼灯在我国鱼灯艺术中享有盛誉,入选第三批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。《沁园春》是宋人杨元亨 •无为灯夕上陆史君说:“万斛金莲,满城开遍,花朵留迎学士归。这说明早在宋代,无为就有灯光艺术。无为依赖长江,国内河流纵横,钓鱼是很多人谋生的职业。为了祝福美丽,人们将鱼的形状与灯光艺术相结合,形成了鱼灯的习俗。清代《无为州志》说:“十三日至十五上元,元宵节...张灯是鱼龙和百故事式,聚为乐。“这是无为鱼灯的准确记录。



Fish Lantern Parade in avillage, Shexian

In the art circle of fish lantern performers in China, Wuwei fishlantern enjoys a high reputation. It has been selected into the thirdnational intangible cultural heritage list. In the old days, Wuwei fishlantern was only performed during the Spring Festival once everythree or five years. The performance is also known as auspiciouslantern or peace lantern show.


Fish Lantern Dance celebrating rich harvest, Wuwei

无为鱼灯造型丰富,色彩艳丽,造型小巧。在欢快的锣鼓节奏下,它们欢快而灵活。如今,随着人们生活水平的提高,玩灯笼已经成为农闲的民间活动 。

涉县王满田、瞻淇等村每年元宵节前后都会开鱼灯会,祈祷“年复一年”。每年农历十二月,非遗传人士都会做鱼灯。鱼灯形式多样,大的雄伟,小的灵活。大的 7 米,高 3 米,额头上写着“王”字,里面有点 100 许多蜡烛,鱼嘴和喷火装置,需要十几个年轻人来玩灯。现在,为了安全起见,提倡用电子灯代替蜡烛。

Brightly colorful and rich in design, the fish lanterns made in Wuwei are really attractive. When inperformance, dancers wave the lanterns jubilantly in step with the cheerful rhythm of gongs anddrums. Nowadays, with the improvement of people's life, lantern performance has become a folkcustom in the slack season of farming.

In Shexian County, some villages like Wangmantian and Zhanqi arrange fish lantern performancesbefore and after the Lantern Festival every year as prayers for "better harvest next year".Usually intangible cultural heritage inheritors would start making lanterns in the last lunar monthevery year, and the fish lanterns could be in various sizes, big ones impressive and small onesattractive. The biggest one, about seven meters long and lit inside by over one hindered candles,needs more than ten strong men to carry in performance. For the safety of performers, people areencouraged to use battery-operated lamps instead of candles.


Small fish lantern,the favorite of kids

王满田鱼灯有几百年的历史。据说过去村里经常发生火灾。有人认为,原程和叶二的名字很容易让木屋着火,也影响了村里的王姓。王姓出现了鱼灯会。舞蹈越热闹越好。目的是克服火灾。鱼灯逐渐演变成一种习俗,2021年 年度进入省级非物质文化遗产目录。

鱼灯外,有杂灯、花篮灯、五谷灯、狮子、猴子、猪、牛、羊、兔子等动物灯,五彩缤纷,生动活泼 。正月十三日至十六日,开展舞鱼灯祈福活动。夜幕降临,锣鼓铿锵,烟花照亮夜空。“嬉鱼灯”队穿过祠堂,钻胡同,走巷子,寓意鲤鱼跳龙门,祈祷风调雨顺,年复一年。


给鱼灯上彩 Coloring fish lanterns

Wangmantian Village has performed fish lantern forseveral hundreds of years. According to legend, as fireoften broke out in the village, the Wangs started fishlantern dances with the wish that the "fish" could stirwaves to extinguish fire. Gradually, the dance becomesa custom and the performance was listed as a provincialintangible cultural heritage item in 2021.

In the performance of fish lanterns, other lanterns are also used to enhance the attractiveness,such as flower basket lanterns and five-grain lanterns, and even lanterns in the shapes ofdifferent animals like lion, monkey, pig, buffalo, goat and rabbit, all colorful and lovely. Fishlantern performance is usually carried out to pray for blessing from the 13th to the 16th of thefirst lunar month. When night falls, gongs and drums clang, and fireworks light up the darksky. The parades of fish lantern dance groups would pass by the ancestral hall and go throughstreets and lanes, praying for success, promotion, good weather and abundant harvest.




图片:汪钧 张霞 潘成 李相贵


校对:刘 军





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